Hunter Biden Defense Rests Its Case, Says He Will Not Testify in Gun Trial


Hunter Biden, who is accused of illegally obtaining a gun five years ago while abusing drugs, will not testify in his Delaware federal trial.

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell rested his case on Monday against the prosecution’s allegations that Biden knowingly lied on an October 2018 gun application form. The conclusion confirmed that the president’s son would not take the stand.

Biden, 54, has pleaded not guilty to three counts and faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted in the historic case.

Over the last week, three of Biden’s exes testified about his years-long struggle with addiction. Their gut-wrenching testimony was the crux of the prosecution’s case to prove that Biden lied when asked whether he was addicted to drugs when buying a $5,000 firearm.

On Monday, shortly after the defense rested, prosecutors recalled FBI agent Erika Jensen to the stand to discuss some of Biden’s text messages about allegedly meeting a drug dealer at a 7-Eleven around October 2018. Biden’s lawyers have argued that the texts do not prove he actually went to the convenience store.

Jensen confirmed on Monday that she did not have location data showing where Biden was when he sent the messages. After her brief testimony, the prosecution concluded their case, and Judge Maryellen Noreika read the jury instructions before closing arguments were set to begin on Monday afternoon.

The defense called three witnesses in their case, including Biden’s eldest daughter, Naomi, who testified about her father’s attempts to get sober. Her mother and Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, testified days prior about finding a crack pipe in their D.C home in 2015.

“I knew that he was struggling with addiction,” Naomi Biden said, noting how “things got bad” after her uncle and Hunter’s brother, Beau Biden, died of brain cancer.

The New York Times reported Biden was upset about the prosecution’s tough questioning of Naomi and he had considered taking the stand. That changed over the weekend after conversations with his attorney.

Biden’s sister-in-law and former paramour, Hallie Biden, told jurors last week that she found the firearm inside his truck a few days after he bought it. In a panic, she said, she put the gun in a brown leather pouch that a chemist testified had traces of cocaine. She put the pouch in a shopping bag before throwing it away at a grocery store near her house. Later, she filed a police report for the gun registered under Biden’s name after he told her to look for it.

“I didn’t want him to hurt himself or my kids to find it and hurt themselves. I was afraid to, kind of, touch it,” Hallie said. “I was just so flustered from the whole thing. I realized it was a stupid idea, but I was just panicking.”

The gun was eventually found by Edward Banner, a General Motors retiree who had a hobby of rummaging for recyclables in the area.

This post was originally published on Daily Beast

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