Olivia Luchini

Olivia Luchini

6 Smoothies For Constipation That Get an RD’s Stamp of Approval

Dealing with a bout of constipation is never fun, but thankfully, there are solutions to this problem that can be easily found in your kitchen. There are plenty of constipation-relieving ingredients you can incorporate into your diet in the form of a meal or snack you already know and love - that's right, we're talking about a smoothie. Smoothies are a great way to deal with constipation because you can easily fill them up with fiber, a nutrient that can aid in digestion. "Different foods contain different types of fiber, with the main two being soluble and insoluble fiber," dietitan Rebekah Shulman, RDN, explains. "Soluble fiber forms a gel in the gut and helps feed our good bacteria, while insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool and draws water into the gut, aiding in regular bowel movements." To help relieve constipation, Shulman recommends adding fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds into a smoothie. If you need an extra boost, a few tablespoons of prunes or ground flaxseed can also help. In addition to this, Shulman suggests incorporating foods rich in probiotics such as yogurt, kefir, and kombucha into your smoothie for maximum constipation relief. Not sure how to incorporate those ingredients? These six smoothies for constipation feature a handful of Shulman's recommended high-fiber fruits and probiotic-rich ingredients to help you get your bowel movements back on track.

The Best Hinge-Prompt Answers, According to a Hinge Expert

Unlike many popular dating apps today, Hinge has an interesting format that lets you answer a variety of Hinge prompts, which alleviates some of the pressure of coming up with the bio all by yourself. All you have to do is simply pick three Hinge prompts (and a voice prompt, if you're comfortable) and answer the questions to the best of your ability. "Hinge's prompts are designed to help you showcase your most authentic self and easily create meaningful connections with others," licensed therapist Moe Ari Brown, Hinge's love and connection expert, says. Since these Hinge prompts are given as an option for everyone though, it can sometimes feel hard to stand out on Hinge. Fortunately, if you're struggling coming up with interesting Hinge-prompt answers, we've got you. Look no further than this list of Hinge-prompt answers that will keep your profile exciting and totally match-worthy. (Feel free to also try this dating app opener that has a 99.9 percent success rate too.) First, Brown shares insight into what to consider when crafting your profile. Hinge-Prompt Answers Advice, According to a Hinge Expert Use a voice prompt. According to Hinge data, daters with a voice prompt on their profile were 66 percent more likely to go on a date. As for what voice prompts to use? Try "The best way to ask me out is by..." "the hallmark of a good relationship is..." and "instead of grabbing drinks, let's..." These voice prompts were most likely to lead to a date in 2023, according to that same Hinge data. Show off what makes you, you. I think we can all agree how annoying it is to see the same old, same old Hinge prompt answers. (Looking at you, everyone who likes "pineapple on pizza.") Plus, the Hinge-prompt answer doesn't really reveal a lot about you. "Sharing your truth and honoring your uniqueness is key," says Brown. "Don't be afraid to [show off] your quirks, whether it's a weird habit or a secret hobby." Avoid one-word answers. Ultimately, one-word Hinge-prompt answers either show that you're too lazy to put effort into your dating-app profile or that there isn't much to say about you. "Short prompt answers aren't going to lead to an impactful conversation. Use your profile to spark a meaningful conversation that leads to a special connection," says Brown. Hinge-Prompt Answers Here are some examples of how to answer the most popular Hinge prompts. "I'm the Type of Texter Who . . ." While this Hinge prompt may seem boring, you can actually use it to tell whether a person is looking for a serious or casual relationship. People looking for commitments might be more open to frequent communication, while someone more casual might be less responsive. Here are some Hinge-prompt answers for this one: Doesn't believe that double-texting is bad. Forgets to respond but WILL feel guilty about it, too. Loves "good morning" and "goodnight" messages. Will expect you to watch all the TikToks I send you. (And yes, there will be a lot.) Has a folder of memes ready to send as soon as I get your number. "Dating Me Is Like . . ." This is a great Hinge prompt to show exactly what you're looking for in your next relationship. Here, you can be funny, genuine, or serious. Here are some of the best Hinge-prompt answers for this one: A picnic on a spring day with bottomless mimosas. Having a best friend, a partner, and a sidekick all in one person. Casual, exciting, and unpredictable. Going to a buffet of all your favorite foods. That feeling when you get your favorite food delivered. "The 1 Thing I'd Love to Know About You Is . . ." A key to a well-rounded Hinge profile is making sure there are conversation starters within it somewhere. The "Let's Chat About" Hinge prompts are perfect for this. Several solid Hinge-prompt answers here: What book series you were obsessed with as a kid. What TV show or movie you find yourself constantly quoting. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go? What your perfect Saturday looks like. If you've picked up a hobby recently. Whether you're a morning bagel person or morning donut person. Does your family run 5Ks on Thanksgiving? Your favorite restaurant and what you order when you're there. "First Round Is on Me If . . ." Skip the chitchat and invite someone to drinks! In this section, you can either suggest a challenge or write something that you would want to relate to someone with. Read on for great Hinge-prompt answers for this prompt: [Insert musical artist here] was also at the top of your Spotify Wrapped last year. You beat me at bowling. Wii or real life. You can quote [insert movie here]. You can tell me your favorite Harry Potter movie and why. You also logged too many hours scrolling through Travis Kelce/Taylor Swift TikToks. You can beat me at today's Wordle. You have a [insert dog, cat, or other pet here] that I can love on. "I'll Fall For You If . . ." This is the perfect section to genuinely discuss what you really want in a partner. Speak from the heart! If you'd prefer to be a little silly, we have included options for that as well. Some Hinge-prompt answers to test out: I don't have my glasses on. You're really into skydiving. Or not. Whatever. You are a good communicator who likes meaningful conversation. You will watch [insert sports team here] games with me. You are down to binge reality TV on lazy days. You are down to go to the gym together. "My Most Irrational Fear" This is a great place to say if you genuinely have a unique fear. From elevators and birds to heights and sharks, this is a fun prompt that you have so much freedom with. Some funny Hinge-prompt answers include: Fear itself? Definitely you ignoring my profile. Pigeons. Those things creep me out. Being forced to watch a movie filled with all my old Snapchats. You not being a dog person. "The Best Way to Ask Me Out Is By . . ." Introverts, rejoice! No need to sweat how you're going to ask your matches out if things go well. This prompt allows you to tell your matches exactly how you want to be asked on a date, all without any fuss. Here are some clever Hinge-prompt answers for this one: Taking me to your favorite restaurant so I can learn what you like. Making reservations to your fave hole-in-the-wall and telling me what time to be there. Taking me to [insert favorite type of food/restaurant here] so I can show you my favorite dishes. Finding a movie you want to see and getting us tickets. Having a meaningful conversation with me first. :) "Biggest Risk I've Taken" This is a great prompt if you like living on the edge. In this section, feel free to talk about moving to a new state, a thrilling hobby, or a wild night out. If you don't have any stories that fit here, you can also be cheeky and say one of these Hinge-prompt answers: Downloading Hinge so that I could find someone like you. Sending you a like even though you [insert something about their profile, like "don't like dogs" or "hate texting"]. Probably that one time I punched a shark. (That makes me sound tough, right?) Asking my mom to stop at McDonald's on the way back from middle school. "Typical Sunday" If you spend your weekends pursuing your many hobbies, you should definitely write that here. Whether it's volunteering at a cat shelter, going to the gym, birdwatching in the park, or thrifting, this is a perfect window into who you are. If you're struggling to come up with responses, here are some Hinge-prompt answers for this one: Going to brunch, finding the bottom of the bottomless mimosas, and regretting it on Monday. Battling the Sunday Scaries (and doing laundry). Doing seven days' worth of self-care in one day. Would you like to do a face mask together? Making a list of healthy groceries, buying said healthy groceries, and then getting home and realizing I now have no snacks because I only want Hot Cheetos. Telling my grandma that I went to church. "Together We Could . . ." If you're someone who already knows exactly what you want in your relationship, this is the prompt to express it. Feel free to share niche interests, favorite movies you obsess over, or hobbies that you love to explore or would like to explore with a potential date. We've got some great Hinge-prompt answers for this one: Rule the galaxy. Stick together like velcro. Race each other in Mario Kart. Be like when oxygen and magnesium get together . . . because people will be saying OMg. Related: I Tried the Most Popular Dating Apps - Here Are the Best Ones For Nonbinary People - Additional reporting by Taylor Andrews Olivia Luppino is a PS contributor and senior at Wesleyan University where she studies social sciences and writing. Taylor Andrews is a Balance editor at POPSUGAR who specializes in topics relating to sex, relationships, dating, sexual health, mental health, and more. In her six years working in editorial, she's written about how semen is digested, why sex aftercare is the move, and how the overturn of Roe killed situationships.