Kelsey Fredricks

Kelsey Fredricks

‘Recess’ Launched a New Craft Mocktail Collection to Help You Chill Out—and Bartenders Approve

Scouted/The Daily Beast/Recess.Scouted selects products independently. If you purchase something from our posts, we may earn a small commission.I’m a salt-rimmed margarita girlie through and through, but there are absolutely nights when I’d rather not throw back this tequila-soaked drink. Cocktails may be tasty, but the euphoric effects are temporary, and the consequences may be aplenty, depending on how your body decides to react to its consumption. So while I get the hype of feeling buzzed, sometimes I only briefly feel calm, cool, and collected before suddenly becoming ill, insecure, and irritable (hangxiety, anyone?). This is one of the reasons why I love Recess’s new Zero Proof mocktail collection, which was created as an alcohol alternative inspired by popular craft cocktails. Like the brand’s beverages from their magnesium-infused “Mood” and Hemp-infused collections, Recess’s zero-proof mocktails are meant to balance and uplift your mind and spirit without the use of any actual alcohol-based spirits.Read more at The Daily Beast.