The 40 Best Christmas Movies of All Time

Over the past few years, Christmas movies have proliferated as fast as kids ripping open their holiday presents. Several streamers have rolled out slates of festive fare tailored to nearly every niche — but there’s something compulsively rewatchable about the true classics of the genre.

It’s endlessly debatable whether action movies like “Die Hard” and rom-coms like “You’ve Got Mail” and “While You Were Sleeping” qualify as actual Christmas movies, but we say, why not? A movie doesn’t have to have St. Nick as the main character to make a satisfying holiday tradition.

If you’re looking for something the kids can enjoy along with the rest of the family, try “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” or “Elf.” Adults who enjoy off-kilter entertainment should pour a large eggnog and queue up “Bad Santa,” “Black Christmas” or “Rare Exports.” And if a good cry is on the agenda — after all, who gets through the holidays without at least a few tears — try “Love Actually” or “The Family Stone.”

This post was originally published on Variety

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