Please enjoy this dog jumping rope at the Pacers game

All dogs are good, but some dogs are just better than other dogs. Take into account these three floofers who were trained to jump rope double dutch at the Pacers’ game on Monday night — with two of the puppers holding the ropes.


Anyone who knows Border Collies understands that stuff like this is par for the course. Widely regarded as the smartest breed in the world, Border Collies are able to be trained quite easily to do intricate tricks like this. Except for my dog Deku, who is a Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog mix … he’s 9 months old, lazy as hell, and bit his own penis so hard last night because he thought it was a toy, that he ran in circles barking for a solid five minutes.

I digress though. Dogs doing tricks is just wonderful, and it’s really nice to see a Border Collie succeeding at life like this … unlike Deku, who just ripped a massive fart next to me so bad it damn brought tears to my eyes.

This post was originally published on SBNation

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