
We’re Losing Our Minds at This “Computer Generated” Sketch of a Police Suspect

There's a potential burglar on the loose. We suspect, though, that he doesn't quite look how the cops imagine him to be. On the hunt for a man who may have broken into a 90-year-old homeowner's house in Tunbridge Wells, England, the Kent Police did the usual thing cops do with unidentified suspects: release a […]
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Pricey AI “Device” Turns Out to Just Be an Android App With Extra Steps

App in Rabbit's Clothing Secretive wearables startup Humane disappointed with its AI Pin, quickly becoming one of the worst-reviewed tech products of all time. Competitor Rabbit's R1, a similar device that promises to be an AI chatbot-powered friend that can answer pretty much any question you can come up with, didn't fare much better, with […]
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Study: Mid-Life Conspiracy Theorists Are Indeed Lonely Weirdos

It's a pretty commonly-held assumption that most people who believe in conspiracy theories are loners, but as a new study shows, there may be an inverse effect going on there, too. In a new paper published in the journal Nature Communications, a group of Norwegian psychology researchers found that when they looked over long-term life trajectory […]
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Tesla Sucked Up Federal Funding for Supercharger Network Before Firing Whole Department

Well Fed Tesla shocked the auto industry this week after its CEO Elon Musk fired the entire 500 person team working on its vaunted Supercharger network, a project that's considered instrumental in facilitating EV adoption across the country with its quick and convenient charging stations. But there's another interesting detail to this story. As pointed […]
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