Yash Roy

Yash Roy

Mayorkas signals FEMA prepared for hurricane season, but needs funding

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said during an interview with the Associated Press that the U.S. is prepared to go into an intense hurricane and wildfire season, but he did raise concerns about budget shortages.  “We expect the disaster relief fund, which is the critical fund that we use to resource impacted...

​​Pro-Palestinian protestors gather outside Biden fundraising event

Pro-Palestinian protestors gathered outside of the Democratic party’s largest-ever fundraiser on Saturday night in Los Angeles to express their outrage with President Biden’s policies on Gaza in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.  Biden is attending a fundraiser, hosted by actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts, at the Peacock Theatre, which had raised a record $28 million...

Scaramucci suggests CEOs backing former president have ‘Trump-nesia’

Former Trump White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci suggested that some CEOs have “Trump-nesia” two days after former President Trump attended the quarterly meeting of Business Roundtable, with over 80 CEOs present including Apple’s Tim Cook and Blackstone’s Steven Schwarzman. “It’s a little bit of Trump-nesia,” Scaramucci told Alex Witt during an interview on MSNBC. “These...

Crockett calls Thomas ‘corrupt’ after Supreme Court decision to upend bump stocks ban

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) slammed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as “corrupt” during an interview with MSNBC on the court’s recent decision to overturn a Trump-era bump stock ban. Thomas has come under increasing scrutiny for gifts he has received from Republican super donors, including billionaire Harlan Crow.  “Y’all were too nice before,” Crockett said...

Iran and Sweden to swap prisoners, including convicted war criminal

Iran agreed Saturday to release two Swedish nationals held in Tehran for over two years in exchange for a convicted Iranian war criminal tied to the 1988 mass killing of protestors critical of the Islamic Republic in the capital city. While state-run media in Iran made unsubstantiated claims that Hamid Nouri was “illegally detained," Swedish Prime...