Sharon Adarlo

Sharon Adarlo

Japanese Spacecraft Chases Down Derelict Rocket

Spaced Out A Japanese spacecraft claims it has recently rendezvoused with a three-ton piece of rocket debris in a high-stakes flight, the BBC reports, in an effort to see if it's possible to remove the increasing amounts of space junk floating around our planet. A satellite developed by Astroscale Japan Inc. tracked down the 15-year-old […]

Sun Blasts Comet, Breaking Off Its Tail

Streaming Stars Recent footage from NASA shows an eruption from our Sun breaking off the tail of a comet whizzing by, IFLScience reports, making for a dramatic display of the Sun's power. The space agency's STEREO A spacecraft captured the sequence of events on April 12 when the Sun spewed a coronal mass ejection, an […]

Dead Dolphin Found Riddled With Bullets

Fishy Crime Trigger warning for any animal lovers reading this: federal officials are investigating how a bottlenose dolphin ended up dead and riddled with bullets on a beach in Louisiana, CBS News reports, and now investigators are offering a $20,000 bounty for any tips that may lead to the perpetrator responsible for this bizarre, violent […]

Sky in Athens Turns Red

Dust in Your Eyes Yesterday, residents in Athens, Greece were greeted with a surreal sight: the city's blue skies and famous landmarks like the Acropolis were bathed in an ominous red, yellow and orange glow, The Guardian reports, and it was all due to an epic dust storm from the Sahara Desert. Strong winds blew […]

Ketamine Is Destroying Young People’s Bladders

Ketamine has been all over the news in recent years as it sheds its seedy image as a hallucinogenic party drug to becoming an increasingly respectable treatment for severe depression that even Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been reaching for the anesthetic medication to keep the blues away. But ketamine can still be addictive if […]

Dying Mars Helicopter Sends NASA Final Transmission

Adios Little Buddy Somewhere in a cold corner of Mars, a little helicopter from another world bedded down for its final mission on Tuesday: to become a silent sentry on the Red Planet. NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, which was the first ever aircraft piloted on another planet in 2021, has its flying days behind it […]