Martin Pengelly

Martin Pengelly

Republican House Candidate Posted IRA Cosplay Video

Jessica Phelps/GettyThe “gunfluencer” turned Texas Republican congressional candidate Brandon Herrera posted to YouTube a video in which he wears a balaclava, fires an Armalite rifle, uses Irish stereotypes while joking about the IRA, and says he “fucking hate[s] the British.”“I’m not doing it because I like or support the IRA,” says Herrera, now 28 and a candidate for the Republican nomination in Texas’ 23rd U.S. House district, in the video posted on March 17, 2023—St Patrick’s Day—and titled “The AR-180: The IRA’s Lucky Charm.”“They were pretty heavily socialist. Of course they really hurt a lot of innocent people sometimes. I’m not doing this video because I like the IRA or I support them. I’m doing this video because I fucking hate the British.Read more at The Daily Beast.

Senate Candidate Tells Different Story of Navy Discharge Than His Book Does

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Matthew Brown/Associated PressTim Sheehy, the Navy SEAL running to unseat Democratic Montana Sen. Jon Tester, has repeatedly told voters he was “discharged” from the military for medical reasons, owing to wounds sustained in service.But the Republican’s own autobiography, published just last year, says otherwise; he wrote that he became disillusioned with military personnel policies and left of his own accord after being injured in a training accident.“This line of inquiry is disgusting,” Sheehy’s campaign said in a statement, claiming there was no inconsistency.Read more at The Daily Beast.