Charles Pulliam-Moore

Charles Pulliam-Moore

Marvel Snap is kind of like a wild comic book story generator

Entertainment Second Dinner’s Marvel Snap may be an addictive card game, but it’s also surprisingly good at telling unpredictable superhero stories. Share this story a:hover]:text-black text-gray-13 dark:text-gray-e9 dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-e9 [&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-13 [&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-black dark:[&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-63 dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-gray-63″>Miles Morales wearing his Chase Conley fit.a:hover]:text-gray-63 text-gray-63 dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-bd…