Barbara Krasnoff

Barbara Krasnoff

How to type special characters on a Windows PC

/ You just have to know how to do it p>span:first-child]:text-gray-13 [&_.duet–article-byline-and]:text-gray-13″> By Barbara Krasnoff, a reviews editor who manages how-tos and various projects. She’s worked as an editor and writer (and occasional sci-fi author) for more years than she…

How to type special characters on a Windows PC

/ You just have to know how to do it p>span:first-child]:text-gray-13 [&_.duet–article-byline-and]:text-gray-13″> By Barbara Krasnoff, a reviews editor who manages how-tos and various projects. She’s worked as an editor and writer (and occasional sci-fi author) for more years than she…

How to cross-post your Threads posts to the fediverse

/ The different social networks are starting to come together. p>span:first-child]:text-gray-13 [&_.duet–article-byline-and]:text-gray-13″> By Barbara Krasnoff, a reviews editor who manages how-tos. She’s worked as an editor and writer for almost 40 years. Previously, she was a senior reviews editor for…

What’s on your desk, Joanna Nelius?

Sometimes, our family’s past can inform our present — and our future. By Barbara Krasnoff, a reviews editor who manages how-tos. She’s worked as an editor and writer for almost 40 years. Previously, she was a senior reviews editor for…

What’s on your desk, Nathan Edwards?

Two desks, three computers, and countless keyboards. By Barbara Krasnoff, a reviews editor who manages how-tos. She’s worked as an editor and writer for almost 40 years. Previously, she was a senior reviews editor for Computerworld. Nathan Edwards has been…