AJ McDougall Brett Bachman

AJ McDougall Brett Bachman

South Dakota Kennel Owners Dogpile on Puppy-Killer Kristi Noem

Kamil Krzaczynski/AFP via Getty ImagesEvery dog has its day—and Cricket’s appears to be nigh.News that South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) shot and killed a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer two decades ago after determining it was “less than worthless” as a bird hunter has been met with near-universal condemnation and outrage, with some of the loudest voices being those of professional animal handlers, including rescues and kennels that specialize in the breed.“At 14 months it’s not like a puppy, it is still a puppy,” Dan Griffith, a Sioux Falls breeder and the owner of Griffs Grassland Kennel, told The Daily Beast, “and in my opinion it sounds like the only thing wrong with it is that it lacked training.”Read more at The Daily Beast.