A Switch OLED for $144 Less, A New Historic Low for Spidey 2, Nearly Half Off a Pokéventure, and More!

Let’s dispense with the pleasantries and cut to a deal that’s close to my heart. You’d be nuts not to go buy Broforce for 80% off and under a fiver. It’s like a side-scrolling Expendables film—but not rubbish—that includes OTT gore, a who’s who pun-ification of every action star that matters, and 4P co-op. I’m also all about that dirt cheap Pokémon Pearl and a cool 144 bucks off a Switch OLED.

In especially topical retro news, I’ve baked a cake with a big 15 on it for Pokémon Platinum. Part of the DS Gen IV series, this sprawling Sinnoh shenanigan served as a third version to Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. My memories of it include a gleeful hunt for the 59 extra Pokémon added, and dipping into the new M.C. Escher-esque Distortion World to bag a Giratina. It also had some of the best post-game content in the series, and, oh crap—I’ve just talked myself into a replay…

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games.

R-Type Delta (PS) 1999. Sequel

Ninja Gaiden (XB) 2004. Remaster

The Suffering (XB) 2004. Get

Pokémon Platinum (DS) 2009. Sequel

It's about to get legendarily real.
It’s about to get legendarily real.

Table of Contents

Nintendo Switch OLED

Nintendo Switch OLED

Not much to say here. 144 bucks off a damn fine console with a damn fine screen. Personally, I use my Switch for its unique AAA titles and on-the-go, 4P multiplayer capabilities. It also boasts quite the indie games library, too.

Expiring Recent Deals

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Watch Dogs Franchise Sale

Watch Dogs Franchise Sale

It’s a great day for the avid canine observers among you. Watch_Dogs Bundle (87% off – $28.32), Watch_Dogs (85% off – $4.49), Watch_Dogs 2 (85% off – $13.49), Watch_Dogs: Legion (85% off – $13.49), and more.

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Hot Wheels Unleashed

Hot Wheels Unleashed

Carefully detailed, highly customisable, and buoyantly uncynical, this toy racer defies all expectations with remarkable attention to detail, excellent track design, and an accessible handling model that still rewards high skill. 9/10, amazing.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Insomniac refines a successful formula of combat and web-swinging without revolutionising either in major ways, making them comfy and familiar with just enough new tweaks and abilities to elevate them to fun new heights. 8/10, great.

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

This post was originally published on IGN

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