The Twenty-Sided Tavern invites special guests to join the party

In a press release about the casting, Day, Iyengar, and Ishii all offered quotes about their inclusion. “I’ve loved D&D and theater my whole life,” Day said. “I can’t wait to combine the two and participate in this amazing production.”

“The joy of tabletop games like D&D comes from the surprise and delight of improvisation,” said Iyengar. “The Twenty-Sided Tavern is a leap forward in how collaborative storytelling can drive wonderful and unique experiences, and I can’t wait to share the fun with this audience!”

“I’ve had the immense fortune to be part of actual play shows that allowed me to collaborate on telling the stories I wanted to see in the world,” Ishii said. “I am so excited that being part of The Twenty-Sided Tavern allows our audience to be a part of that narrative!”

The Twenty-Sided Tavern is part D&D actual play, part improv, and part immersive theater. Audiences participate via their phones in determining the fates of the characters on stage. The show runs in New York City and periodically tours the country. Tickets are available via the show’s website.

This post was originally published on Polygon

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